
Archive for August, 2012


I am rather depressed right now…

The music position I had last year was given to someone else, even though I had been with the students for six months, struggled through the difficult process of a sudden change in teachers, and the principal said that I saved the program. The next position that I applied for I was as qualified or more so than the person who got it, and I was the first choice of the director who was leaving. It was strings, chorus, and color guard, but they went with the other person because she had more marching band experience, even though I had more string experience. And one of this person’s parents is a music director in the same county, so maybe that had something to do with it. Argh.

I tried to find jobs in other counties, but by the time I got to them they were taken or the interviews were over. I waited too long to apply, this is true, but I waited to hear back from someone in my county about the other jobs. I didn’t want to get a job farther away then get a job closer, one that I preferred, and then have to back out on the farther job so close to the start of school. That would not be right.

There aren’t any private schools or Christian schools that I have found that need teachers, but I am still looking into it. Waiting on emails/phone calls from other schools, and from a lesson studio. *sigh*

I know God has something for me that will be better, but I don’t know what. I am becoming rather depressed about it, at least today. I like being a housewife, but I do want to be able to contribute to the bills and develop my teaching skills while the things I learned are still fresh. Please pray for me.

Dear Lord,

I know you have plans for me, plans to prosper me and give me a future, as your word says, but I do not see the plans coming into place yet. Please give me patience while you do your work, and help me to do the work in the place where I am right now with all joy and diligence. Amen.

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